Saturday, October 23, 2010

fucking liar.

you pushed me into the laundry room and shut the door. you put your hands on my face and started kissing me, you pushed me against the wall. i pushed you away and i told you to stop. you kept talking flowery, and you know exactly what to say to make me change my mind. you asked me what's wrong. "you only invite me over to your house when you want something, you only invite me because you know what to say to me to make me want you. you only invited me tonight because you were drinking and you knew something could happen between me and you. you're using me, i know you are. i'm sick of being used, really, i'm getting tired of it, i never used to care because it was you and i thought i loved you. but i don't feel like that anymore and i don't want to feel like your booty call when you mean so much more to me and i mean nothing to you." i replyed. "i text you all the time, you are like the only girl i talk to the most, i talk to you every day, i always ask you if you want to hang out, if you want to come over for movies and if i can come over. i'm not using you, why do you think i invite you to all of this shit just for getting you out of your clothes, i actually like spending time with you. i ask to hang out with you, because i want to hang out with you, not because i want to get in your pants. you need to realise i'm a better person than you think i am." you answered. that night, of course, we ended up doing everything again, but we talked heaps too. you came in from being with your friends when i was checking my text messages, you took my phone out of my hand, threw it on the ground, pushed me onto the bed and held me, you didn't let go, but one of your drunk friends came in and pulled you off the bed. you went out and i stayed in the room, you came back in and layed down with me. i traced the outlines of your veins and your scars, i felt your piercings and asked how you got all of these scars, you told me the story behind most of them, but your speech was just a blur, but i could still understand just slightly. you told me you were going for a walk with the boys, you left and i fell asleep. i woke up, got a drink and changed beds, i went into the spare room and slept in there. i woke up early in the morning after an all nighter that i just about concered and went home. this was last sunday, and that last thing you said to me was that you were going for a walk. now, what's wrong with this ending, read what you said at the start and read what has happened now. how come you haven't spoken to me? what's different about this ending. you tell me.

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